2017 in review / award eligibility post

Wellp. That was a year.

It was a strange year, and the world was stressful, and I am not sure if I’m happy with the amount that I outwardly produced. But, looking back, I did do a lot writing-wise this year:

  • Had two stories come out in magazines/anthos, and two poems out online.
  • Started a Patreon!
  • LANDED A BIG NAME AGENT for my space opera novel, although it remains to be seen if we’ll sell it.
  • Wrote two year-long plots for my local LARP, plus a couple of auxiliary things.
  • Made enough sales to know that at least two more stories and two more poems are due out in 2018, and hopefully much more.
  • Published my first collection, MONSTERS IN MY MIND with NeuroQueer Books.

I was also still doing graduate school full-time this year, and published several papers – one conference paper, one journal paper, and one REALLY BIG survey paper that isn’t out yet, but was accepted to go into a journal next year, and I’m very excited about that.

Since MONSTERS IN MY MIND contained so much new work, my actual list of new stories/poems out this year is a little bigger than I expected:

Short Stories


Dwarf (1-10 line) Poems

Short (11-50 line) Poems

I didn’t publish any long (51+ line) poems, non-micro flash fiction, or novelettes this year, except as reprints that went into the collection.

Shortly, I’ll also do a roundup of stories and poems by other people that I read this year and loved. I was a little more careful keeping track of such stories this year, so I’ve got a big list!