This seems like a good time to mention that I will be appearing (in a limited form) at Virtual Capclave 2020! The schedule’s here.
Zoom is actually really difficult for me. I won’t be appearing on panels the way I would at a face-to-face convention, simply because I’m trying to make the event manageable for my spoons. But I’ll be doing a half-hour reading and attending the WSFA Small Press Award ceremony!
Saturday, October 17, 6:00 PM: WSFA SMALL PRESS AWARDS
Both the Small Press Awards and the WSFA’s amateur writer’s contest will have their winners announced at this time. I’m a finalist for the Small Press Award for my novelette, “Fairest of All.”
Sunday, October 18, 10:00 AM: AUTHOR READING – ADA HOFFMANN
I’ll be reading from current and/or future work, live over Zoom.
I hope to see a few of you 🙂