Hey folks! We’re going to deviate a little from the usual newsletter schedule for the next few weeks – because I have some AWESOME NEWS!

Because of the popularity of the Catalan translations of THE OUTSIDE and THE FALLEN (with a translation of THE INFINITE dropping into Catalan bookstores on November 6!) I’ve been invited to be a guest at the Festival 42 literary festival in Barcelona.

If you didn’t know about these translations, you should! Look how cool looking they are:

Covers of the books L'Extern, Els Caiguts, and L'Infinit, which are Catalan translations of Ada Hoffmann's Outside trilogy, translated by Anna Llisterri. Each cover shows a stylized human figure against a black background, surrounded by eerie lights.

I’ve been sitting on this news and quietly making arrangements for nearly a year now, but I didn’t want to announce it until the schedule was up. (If I’d known the schedule would not be up until less than two weeks before the festival, then I might have reconsidered this, but eh.) It’s up today! You can see the whole thing here, but here’s my list of author events both in and out of the festival:

Thursday November 9, 6:30pm: “The Universe of Ada Hoffmann: Diversity, Computation and Cosmic Horror.” Conversation hosted by Karen Madrid.

Friday November 10, 6:45pm: The Infinite Catalan launch event at the Gigamesh bookstore, hosted by Miquel Codony.

Saturday November 11, 12:00pm: A talk hosted by Marc Riera at La Carbonera bookstore.

Saturday November 11, 7:30pm: The 42’s Big Roundtable: What Future Should The Genre Recreate? A panel with all of the international guests – oh my God. Look at that lineup. You expect me to speak coherently about pressing issues in science fiction, in the presence of such luminaries? I guess I will try!!!!

Tuesday November 14: A gathering with the Editorial Chronos book club at La Font de Mimir bookstore.

(All times are in Barcelona time, of course.)

I have never been to this region of the world before. I am so thrilled and honored that Editorial Chronos decided to pay for me to fly out and see them, and so excited to see the Mediterranean sights as well as the fans there.

Seriously, ever since last December when the invitation first arrived, I’ve had this song stuck in my head:

An epic song for what, by all accounts, is an epic city.

I’m not actually sure where all the readers of this post are in the world, but if any of you are within shouting distance of Barcelona, I would love for you to come by one of these events and say hi!

And now I will go back to my frenzy of planning and packing! Cheers!

2 Replies to “BARCELONAAA!”

  1. Ada:

    That IS exciting!

    I thought the post would be about a book or a magazine

    and when it turned out it was about a festival…


    And I think the luminaries may be feeling some of the same way about each other and the combination.

    I love Jewel’s Barcelona song which is on her SPIRIT album – and it is a great earwormer.

    [by the way I am in Melbourne and if you could come to the Wheeler Centre one day – or to the many scifi and speculative fiction bookstores or an independent bookstore…]

    [and I had been reading you from afar on Tumblr since the early 2010s].

    [then I remembered your Substack at the beginning of 2022].

    1. Oh my goodness, I keep forgetting that I ever had an author Tumblr. I was terrible at keeping that one up. I’m glad you managed to follow me here! And thank you for the good wishes!

      I remember Jewel’s SPIRIT album from back in the day. Different vibe from the Freddie Mercury / Montserrat Caballe song, but still a good song.

      Melbourne is further from Canada than I’ve ever been yet, but I’ll never say never! I was able to afford this trip thanks to the generosity of Editorial Chronos which is paying for my plane and hotel. (I was quite startled by this offer; I’m not the kind of author who gets that kind of GoH treatment by English-speaking events.) If an Australian publisher was ever so generous, I don’t think I would be able to turn them down…

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